The Environment: A True Story

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It’s time to set the record straight on “man-made” climate change. And that’s what I’m going to do with my new documentary project looking at what we really know about the Earth’s climate, not just cherry-picking from the last ten years or a hundred, but looking back thousands, millions and hundreds of millions of years. It’s going to expose a lot of hype, bad science and unjustified shouting on the part of the alarmists and lay out what we really know.

The climate has always been variable. And yes, sometimes it changes in ways that can spell trouble. But hysteria, misinformation and name-calling won’t help us deal with anything that might be coming our way. Virtually everything the conventional wisdom maintains on climate, about what we know and about what’s probably happening, is demonstrably false and it’s time to cut through the scaremongering and tell the real story.

I’m really excited about this project. I’m convinced the time is right to push back against the exaggeration, alarmism and intellectual bullying.

So if you’re ready for some sound information and straight talk on “man-made climate change”, please donate to back the project, and share it as widely as you can…

Watch the full documentary…