From Danny Hozack,
Jason Kenney needs your help…
No, I am not asking for money!
I am asking for something far more important: your time!
Please take the time to consider the following:
Premier Jason Kenney was elected in April 2019 and immediately set about fulfilling his campaign promise to make Alberta “Open for Business Again”. He has assembled an amazing team and they are focused on addressing a seemingly endless number of challenges and challengers that are shackling our energy industry while resisting our Finance Ministers efforts to get our provincial spending under control.
Despite our province having sent more than $600 Billion net to eastern Canada over the past 30 years many of the largest roadblocks to recovery continue to be sponsored or at least condoned by our federal government. Including the current “blockade crisis” and the potential delay or worse yet denial of the Teck Frontier oilsands mega project. Sunday evening, Feb 23, 2020, our concerns/ fears became reality: Teck Frontier announced that it was formally withdrawing its regulatory application for the Frontier oil sands project from the federal environmental assessment process. Read the letter here:
In an effort to raise Albertans awareness of the problems and the challenges facing Alberta, Premier Kenney created the Fair Deal Panel that has been travelling the province and seeking input and advice from concerned citizens and taxpayers.
Last week I presented my recommendations to the Fair Deal Panel in Lloydminster and to Albertans in a Letter to the Editor (view video).
I suggested that we needed Less Talk and More Action from our government.
But they cannot do it alone.
Alberta did not become an economic superpower by accident. It was from the combined effort of hundreds of thousands of hard working, forward thinking entrepreneurs and the folks that they hired. Together, many of them figured our how to get oil out of sand and they turned what our detractors mockingly call “tarsands” into what we proudly call “oilsands”. Alberta’s oilsands are indeed one of the miracles of the modern world, the engine of the Canadian economy, and will be for generations to come the foundation of our provinces economy.
Our oilsands based energy dependant economy was not created by accident. It was not destroyed by accident and it will not be resurrected by accident. And no one knows that better than the majority of our First Nations leaders who endeavour to work with our energy industries as “partners in prosperity” as opposed to a few foreign funded activists. The foreign funded activists supported by their MSM friends are unwittingly, or maybe not, helping Justin Trudeau and his United Nations mentors destroy our Canadian economy in general and our fossil fuel based western economy in particular.
As our country and our province spiral into economic ruin, domestic lawlessness and civil unrest Justin Trudeau claims that: “We are creating a space for peaceful, honest dialogue with willing partners.”
Really? And Andrew Scheer who clearly should speak on this issue for the majority of Westerners is not even invited to the meeting. How many times is the West prepared to be given “the finger” by a Trudeau PM?
So, what can you do to help Premier Kenney and his team to reinvigorate our Alberta economy and secure our provinces future prosperity?
During most of our history Albertans have worked hard for our country paid our share or more and asked no more than a “Fair Deal” from the ROC. But as we are all painfully aware despite our best efforts we are further from a fair deal than we have ever been in our history. We have tried ALMOST everything.
Premier Kenney is not inclined to suggest that we separate from Canada, nor do I think that he should be. He was elected to represent us in Canada.
However, his best efforts are also being thwarted by Justin Trudeau and his supporters in the East.
Here is my suggestion to help Jason Kenney and Andrew Scheer to at least have a place “at the table” as Justin and team meet to “create space for peaceful, honest dialogue with willing partners”.
Each one of us should call our elected representatives and Jason Kenney to tell them that we want Alberta’s current government to set a date for voting on independence for Alberta pursuant to the Clarity Act on January 25, 2021.
Alberta is facing an economic crisis the likes of which we have not seen before. Canada and Canadians can help us “fix it” if they so choose. Whether you truly want to leave or whether you want our federation “fixed”, demand that our Alberta government set a date for voting on separation. Give our government and the federalists a deadline for “doing the fixing”.
Alberta has been on the doorstep of confederation with our “hat in our hand” and the East’s hands in our pockets for too long.
Michelle Rempel just released their “Buffalo Declaration”.
It is a clear road map to a fair deal for the West with the ROC.
It needs a “Done by Date” as an incentive to bring the ROC to the “table”.
Do your part and ask your friends to do the same. Demand a deadline. Demand a vote. January 25, 2021
Future generations will thank you!
Danny Hozack,