The Alberta group that recently organized rallies against the provincial carbon tax is hoping to get at least 500,000...
WestJet warns national carbon tax could ‘kill’ airline industry if government not careful
A national carbon tax that doesn’t take into account the unique challenges faced by airlines could irreparably harm...
Patrick Moore. Canadians for Energy East Pipeline. From Canada. For Canada.
Published on 26 Mar 2016 Patrick Moore. Canadians for Energy East Pipeline. Oil from Canada. For Canada. Patrick...
John Robson: If Ottawa has a pipeline policy, now would be a good time to share it
Canadians need a formal statement of federal pipeline policy from the top. The production, transport and use of fossil...
Canadians 4 Energy East – Notes from the Essentials of Freedom conference
Friends: Our Economic Education Association recently held our third Essentials of Freedom conference in Edmonton and...
Capitalism has a Role in Fighting Poverty
Any time of year is a good time to discuss poverty, but the subject has obvious resonance at Christmas. Thus,...
The Fixed Quantity of Wealth Fallacy
The essence of the fixed quantity of wealth fallacy is the claim that wealth cannot be created, only rearranged....
How Big Business In Its Truest Sense Has Been a Blessing
In many parts of the world, national economies are in trouble. Politicians have been asking bankers—who are on the...
Ranching 101 and Why Parliament Waged War Against the Crown
For every rancher, understanding the difference between steers, heifers, bulls, and cows is pretty basic—kind of like...
How a Pizza Helped Rod Understand Democracy and Freedom
Many people believe democracy and freedom are the same thing. Actually, they're not. Democracy refers to a...
How Much Does A Civil Society Cost?
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. was a U.S. Supreme Court Justice who once said that taxes are the price we pay to live in a...
Facts Are Stubborn Things
Attar was a Persian chemist and poet. He told the story of a king who asked his wise men to invent something that...
The Point and Purpose of Work
The thing some people fail to understand about capitalism and free markets is that their purpose is not to create...
Russian Gardens, Egg McMuffins, and Why No One Washes a Rental Car
In 2000, private garden plots in Russia accounted for only 6% of all agricultural land. Yet the majority of the...
IOUs And The Magic Mint
There’s a tongue-in-cheek website promoting a gizmo called Magic Mint. It lets anyone print fancy looking IOUs. The...
Incentives, Disincentives, and What the Bureaucrats Did to Mother Teresa
A wealthy businessman became overwhelmed with the desire to have grandchildren, wanting to enjoy their company before...
Per Person Share of Government Debt in Canada is Higher Than In Greece
Would you be surprised to learn that Canadians carry more government debt per person than someone living in Greece?...
Whose Bread I Eat His Song I Sing
I first came across the story of the wild hogs in Horseshoe Bend more than twenty years ago. It's a true story that...
The Economics of Ecology: Angry Planet or Beautiful World
Economics Has Provided Real Solutions to Pollution and Environmental Degredation Bjørn Lomborg is a Danish professor...
For a Less Perfect Union
In this episode, John Robson explains the harm compulsory unionization has done to industry after industry, and to...
Of Death and Deficits
In this episode, John Robson wants to bury deficit spending along with its author. Want new articles before they get...